Career and Parenting
Are flexible working hours enough to improve employee retention and attract the right talent?
Understanding and supporting the transition process of your ambitious moms at work is key in retaining your top talent while empowering them to reach their full potential.
MomEQ focuses on empowering women to blend ambition and motherhood.
By supporting your ambitious moms, you support your company’s growth.
Parental burnout
Signs of parental burnout are similar to professional burnout: high levels of exhaustion, feelings of inadequacy, and emotional detachment. Recent research (KU Leuven) has found that, while situational elements contribute to a parent’s chances of developing burnout, personal traits accounted for more of the risk.
MomEQ empowers ambitious moms to prevent parental burnout.
Mental Load
Mental load is an invisible burden created by the constant mental effort assumed by those responsible for what happens at home . 71% of women suffer from mental load and 91% feel the only responsible for what happens in the home.
When we add the to-do lists from work and the desire to make the most of your potential, mental load generates mental fatigue, productivity decreases and absenteeism rates increase.
MomEQ empowers women to discharge their mental load; as a result, they are empowered to increase their focus, manage their stress and become more productive.
Young mothers are typically feeling overwhelmed and unsupported during the transition from working woman, to motherhood, to working mother.
Will I compromise the career I worked so hard for to build? Will my boss think I'm less committed to my work? Will I be able to perform as well as I did before?
Recognizing these concerns in an early stage, providing the right support for this life transition and establishing a seamless experience for parents retuning from leave are 3 key components of a successful retention strategy.
MomEQ ensures a smooth and successful transition; from working woman, to working mother.
MomEQ aligns employer & employee goals to ensure you maximize your ROI.
By understanding your specific challenges, employee benefits & corporate culture, MomEQ guides you on specific formulas tailored to your organization. MomEQ supports your ambitious moms while maximizing your ROI.
Training, workshop, masterclass or 1:1 coaching?
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